> >From the looks of things, we will need at least three[0][3] different
> rescue/boot "floppies"[2], due to subarchitecture differences.

Right! Bad, but it is so!

> However, the drivers floppy is probably shareable between all
> subarchitectures, given a kernel configured with "CONFIG_ALL_PPC"[1]
> defined.

We should test if the generic kernel works for all subarchs. 
What is Majos meaning, will he upload a newer kernel-package in the next days?

> Other things:
>   * we will need to depend on kernel-source for building our boot floppies,
> this
>     is because that allows the kernel Makefiles to do a lot of the work for us
>   * This means the hard part is making the ramdisk image, and the drivers
> floppy
> I wrote some shell script code to illustrate (though I'm unsure if a case
> statement could actually work):
> case $subarchs_to_build in
>       prep|mbx)
>               cp $image $ksrc/arch/ppc/boot/ramdisk.image.gz
>               cd $ksrc/arch/ppc/boot
>               make zvmlinux.initrd
>               cp zvmlinux.initrd rescue_prep-mbx.bin
>               ;;
>       pmac)
>               cp $image $ksrc/arch/ppc/coffboot/ramdisk.image.gz
>               cd $ksrc/arch/ppc/coffboot
>               make vmlinux.coff.initrd
>               cp vmlinux.coff.initrd rescue_pmac.bin
>               ;;
>       chrp)
>               cp $image $ksrc/arch/ppc/chrpboot/ramdisk.image.gz
>               cd $ksrc/arch/ppc/chrpboot
>               make zImage.initrd
>               cp zImage.initrd rescue_chrp.bin
>               ;;
> esac
Good! With our patches, the make-kernel package can handle this. 

> The ramdisk image should be a filesystem image (may as well be ext2), which

:-) Yeah, as the sparc people! WIth ext2, we can remove minix support.

> [0] PowerMac and CHRP; PReP and MBX appear able to share a single image

hmmmm PowerMac use hfs, PReP and MBX msdos and i think CHRP can do both. 
All CHRP boxes i know uses msdos partition table format. 

> [2] Not really floppies, but kernel images with embedded ramdisks which can
> be put on any media the machine can boot from, copying to a floppy is but
> one possibility.

Right. Q: can PowerMac read normal iso9660 cds? 

> [3] APUS would be a fourth I'm assuming, but it doesn't appear to be fully
> integrated into the vger tree yet

No, not yet, but i hope we have one or more Apus systems in Oldenburg. Sven???



 Hartmut Koptein                                       EMail:
 Friedrich-van-Senden-Str. 7                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 26603 Aurich   
 Tel.: +49-4941-10390                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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