On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 09:08:16AM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> I've been waiting ages for decent threads on PowerPC.

We need to get debian/sarge out of the way, and then we can finally start
upgrading the glibc again. I am no glibc maintainer, but that is what i am
told. Sorry that the long release cycle is forcing an over-llong glibc freeze,
but changing glibc now will be a major problem.

The good news is that we are probably going to release in the next 3 month or

> There's a glibc bug about it, with a way-too-low
> priority. What gives?
> If this has something to do with a Debian release,
> well, just don't release PowerPC in that case.
> It's not ready if it still uses the horrid old
> pre-NPTL threads.

Don't be stupid, only a few people really need NPTL stuff, and you can always
follow testing/unstable once sarge is released.

And i think that the above comment is a little insulting for all the work that
has gone into debian/sarge and the powerpc port over the past three years, and
i expect a more humble tone from you next time you ask us to use our freely
given time and work for your pet project. I don't see you contributing to the
project, or maybe i missed your external repository with a NPTL aware glibc
and a rebuild of all the packages ? 

> BTW, gcc-3.4 is working quite well for me. Not that
> it should be needed though; I'd have expected glibc
> to be getting at thread-local data via functions.

Probably. There is gcc-4.0 also which i don't know the release schedule about.


Sven Luther

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