On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 05:53:31PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> > |--- a/policy/ch-controlfields.rst
> > |+++ b/policy/ch-controlfields.rst
> > |@@ -652,9 +654,14 @@ orderings.  [#]_
> > | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > |
> > | In a source or binary control file, the ``Description`` field contains a
> > |-description of the binary package, consisting of two parts, the synopsis
> > |-or the short description, and the long description. It is a multiline
> > |-field with the following format:
> > |+description of the package, consisting of two parts, the synopsis or the 
> > short
> > |+description, and the long description.
> > |+
> > |+When used in a source control file in the general paragraph (i.e., the 
> > first
> > |+one, for the source package), the text in this field is relevant for all 
> > binary
> > |+packages built by the given source package.
> Is there really no name for the first paragraph other than "general
> paragraph"?  Maybe "the source package's stanza"?

You should tell me :D

As I said, I'm happy to change those 3 words, but first you should
probably decide and then make it uniform with §5.2 "Source package
control files – debian/control" (and I have no idea how it is referred
to in the rest of the document).

> Also, how about "the text in this field describes all binary packages
> which do not have their own Description: fields" ?

Where would you add this line?  The whole section is talking about
Description regardless of where it is used, so your suggestion doesn't
sounds any good there.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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