Jonathan Nieder writes ("Re: permit access to apt repositories during builds"):
> Ian Jackson wrote:
> > See
> >
> > for a more extended rationale for permitting access to sources
> > as well as binaries.
> My feeling is that this should be an outside-policy carveout, since it
> makes many applications (e.g., analyzing the build graph, especially
> when needed for bootstrapping) no longer possible.

I don't really agree with the basic concept of an "outside-policy
carveout".  Also, this is the only way to implement many important and
useful things.

But I think you do have a legitimate concern.  I think we probably
want to add a mechanism for a package to declare (eg in its buildinfo
or changes maybe?) what it got from apt.  What do you think ?

> Seconded.


> This doesn't mean I like the change.  It just means that I think this
> reflects the outcome of the discussion you cited.  My understanding is
> that the current policy process doesn't require me to check that the
> main relevant stakeholders among those who haven't spoken up have
> weighed in, since they can propose additional changes to address any
> harms.

I'll let Sean weigh in on process.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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