Package: debian-policy
Tags: patch

Apropos of discussion in #813471:

Paul writes:
> In addition, d-i relies on access to the apt repo for the system.
> I can imagine other uses of that, so I added a carve-out for that.

In general I think this should be done by saying that packages may
access the apt repository.  Binaries, and sources, because packages
cannot depend on each others' sources and implementing that is a lot
of work.

for a more extended rationale for permitting access to sources
as well as binaries.

diff --git a/policy/ch-source.rst b/policy/ch-source.rst
index d6a21b8..2d6f9ea 100644
--- a/policy/ch-source.rst
+++ b/policy/ch-source.rst
@@ -288,6 +288,13 @@ For packages in the main archive, no required targets may 
 network access, except, via the loopback interface, to services on the
 build host that have been started by the build.
+Nevertheless, required targets may use ``apt`` to access the apt
+repositories provided by the build environment (which are those which
+were used to resolve the package's build-dependencies).  If
+appropriate, :ref:`Built-Using <s-built-using>`` must then be
+declared.  It is permitted to download both binaries and/or sources.
+However, this facility should not normally be used.
 The targets are as follows:
 ``build`` (required)

Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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