On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 10:26:26AM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> Hello Bill,
> On Sat, Dec 09 2017, Bill Allombert wrote:
> > So, what is the percentage of packages under this license ?  This has
> > always been the criterium used to put it in common-licenses.
> Could you say more, please?  What was the percentage used in the past?

See the file tools/license-count in the policy git repo and
look up the debian-policy list archive for previous statistics.

> We might want to revise that percentage because of how cheap disc space
> is nowadays.  It's also not clear whether the saving is significant for
> low disc space systems; someone on -devel this week said that they just
> have to rm -rf /usr/share/doc anyway.
> It might also be worth considering the fact that having licenses in
> common-licenses makes editing d/copyright easier for package
> maintainers.  Previously this was overridden by disc space concerns but
> that might not make sense anymore.

Yet there is a bug open about removing changelog files to save space.

The point is that if there are licenses not in common-licenses that are
much more common than CC0, it would make more sense to add them
rather than CC0.

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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