control: tag -1 +patch


I am seeking seconds for the following patch.


- I've made the two architecture requirement a 'should', because I agree
  that we might otherwise end up with "amd64" being the only value
  anyone uses for this field.  But perhaps it should be a 'recommends'

- I've included the ability to specify the architectures on which the
  package is known /not/ to build.  This seems useful because in many
  cases the architectures that don't work is precisely what the
  maintainer knows, and wants to document in machine-readable form.  I
  don't buy the argument that it creates any additional uncertainty

- Let's stick with th ename Build-Indep-Architecture since it's already
  in use in the archive.

diff --git a/policy/ch-controlfields.rst b/policy/ch-controlfields.rst
index 0ee6684..c54a341 100644
--- a/policy/ch-controlfields.rst
+++ b/policy/ch-controlfields.rst
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ package) are:
 -  :ref:`Build-Depends et al <s-sourcebinarydeps>`
+-  :ref:`Build-Indep-Architecture <s-f-Build-Indep-Architecture>`
 -  :ref:`Standards-Version <s-f-Standards-Version>` (recommended)
 -  :ref:`Homepage <s-f-Homepage>`
@@ -1016,6 +1018,29 @@ This field is automatically added to Debian source 
control files
 field may also be used in source package control files
 (``debian/control``) if needed in other situations.
+.. _s-f-Build-Indep-Architecture:
+Specification of architectures on which the architecture-independent
+binary packages are known to be buildable and/or not buildable.  If
+this field is not specified, it defaults to ``any``, matching all
+Debian machine architectures.  If specified, it should be either
+-  A unique single word identifying a Debian machine architecture as
+   described in :ref:`s-arch-spec`.
+-  An architecture wildcard identifying a set of Debian machine
+   architectures, see :ref:`s-arch-wildcard-spec`.
+This header is useful in the rare case where architecture-independent
+packages cannot be built on all architectures for reasons outside the
+maintainer's control.  The specification should entail that the
+architecture-independent packages are buildable on at least two
+architectures.  This provides flexibility to the administrators of
+autobuilder infrastructure.
 .. _s5.7:
 User-defined fields

Sean Whitton

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