On Sun, 23 Aug 2015, Julien Cristau wrote:
On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 18:09:16 +0200, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
On Sun, 23 Aug 2015, Julien Cristau wrote:
FWIW I disagree with this change, I don't think making a new requirement
for source packages is the way to solve NEW review workflow.
Oh, lintian already complains about a missing debian/copyright in the source
package. So this change is not a new requirement but is only meant as a
lintian only emits a warning. Which is IMO perfectly OK to ignore.
But policy says that there "should" be such a copyright file. Violating
such a clause is at least an important bug. As a maintainer you only need
to take care of serious bugs, so of course you can ignore it ...
From my point of view this is still a bad thing. In any case you have to
collect all information for the binary package. Doing this during
binary package building, means that all buildds have to do this (maybe
even different versions for each package). Wouldn't it make more sense to
build it only once and put it in the source package?
Strictly speaking, while checking the copyright file of a binary package,
one has to determine first what files from the source package are needed
to create that binary package. I am not sure whether this can be done
reliable with any automatism. So it adds another manual step to the NEW
Further, up to now most packages have this debian/copyright. So processing
such packages is more or less routine. Any disturbance of this routine
means that processing needs more time ...