Jonathan Nieder <> writes:

> My confusion might be coming from the phrase "have a problem with",
> which in everyday language is mostly synonymous with "have a grudge
> against".

I agree with that interpretation. The phrase doesn't belong in that

> I would be more convinced by "for example, if they are running a
> network-facing service and wish to avoid the Affero GPL", or more
> simply, "for example, if they wish to avoid the Affero GPL".

A broader question: why single out any license in the policy document? I
think the point could be made just as well with “(for example, if they
have specific reasons to avoid particular licenses)”.

 \         “The good thing about science is that it's true whether you |
  `\                     believe in it or not.” —Neil deGrasse Tyson,  |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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