On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 02:33:22PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> While neither of these changes actively "enforces" the addition of
> these targets, neither do any harm, and by actively encouraging
> adoption of the targets it will reduce the total number of NMUs
> required should we go for the approach of a straight change in
> dpkg-buildpackage.

> Neither of these dictate /how/ the transition should proceed, which is
> a separate issue which you brought to the CTTE, but both will be needed
> irrespective of the choice picked by the technical committee.

I don't think that's true at all.  If we go with one of the autodetecting
implementations, there's no need for a policy "should"; we can go straight
to a list of policy "musts" for the required interactions between
Build-Depends and build-arch.  Recommending that maintainers *take
advantage* of the possibility to properly split Build-Depends and
Build-Depends-Indep is not really very interesting to me, once that's done.

> > And if we want to provide a smooth transition instead, using something like
> > Joey's proposed make-first-existing-target interface in bug #598534 (as
> > discussed on debian-devel in
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/09/msg00704.html), we don't need
> > this to be a policy "should" or "must" at all, because the autobuilders can
> > then DTRT for any package whether or not it implements the build-arch target
> > and the presence of the target merely lets us optimize build times and
> > reduce build dependencies - so it could remain a policy "may" indefinitely
> > (with some tightening of the language about how not having build-arch
> > requires different bits to be in Build-Depends than if you do have it).

> I would see make-first-existing-target as a good method for easing the
> transition, and we could leave it a "may" indefinitely.  But would it
> not be better (long-term) to aim for complete transition to requiring
> build-arch/build-indep for all packages (as for binary-arch/
> binary-indep) and use make-first-existing-target as a useful strategy
> for doing the transition, but not as a long-term feature?  Especially
> since it's a bit of a hack.

Hack or not, once implemented I expect any automatic fallback handling to be
with us for a while.  I think it's realistic to have build-arch supported
for wheezy, but I'm not sure we would want to make it mandatory even in
wheezy+1, because the last packages to implement it are going to be those
that also get no benefit from it.  So this comes down to Policy (and the
buildds) not making a large number of packages instantly buggy without good
reason, and I think it's premature to worry about sunsetting
make-first-existing-target before we've even started to use it.

(Incidentally, if the consensus is that make-first-existing-target is a "bit
of a hack", then I agree with Guillem that it shouldn't be put in the make
package at all, just in dpkg-buildpackage.)

> > Unfortunately I see the same problem with this lintian check as with all the
> > rest - if we can actually check for the existence of the target *reliably*,
> > then we don't need to enforce its presence at all.

> It isn't 100% reliable (it can't be given pattern rules and includes); it
> gives up for dh/cdbs-using packages, but both of these handily already
> support the missing targets, so it's reliable enough to be useful.  If
> the maintainer chose to use odd pattern rules, these could potentially
> cause a false positive.

Have you tried to quantify these false positives?  IME where maintainers
have resisted adopting either dh or cdbs, it's usually *because* they have
their own complex build systems, with pattern rules and includes, that are
not straightforward to convert (if they're willing to at all).

> > > Is there any recent work on the rules checking in make which would allow
> > > dpkg-buildpackage to use the rules if present, but fall back to build
> > > if absent?  This would be the most pragmatic approach, because it will
> > > both provide backwards compatibility with all older source packages, and
> > > use the rules if present in new ones.

> > The patch is outstanding; the make maintainer is TTBOMK currently
> > unavailable for Debian work.  If there's a consensus on
> > debian-policy/devel/ctte that we should go the make-first-existing-target
> > route, I would be more than happy to do an NMU of make to facilitate this.

> As a medium-term solution it would be great if GNU make could itself
> support querying whether or not a makefile supports a given target.
> Since make needs to parse all the includes etc., only make itself can
> do this 100% reliably.  If it's not already done, a feature request
> upstream would be good.

'make -qn' is already an adequate facility for this.  The only disadvantage
to adopting it for build-arch is that not all packages use a
policy-compliant makefile for debian/rules.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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