In an effort to get hard data to resolve the approximately 10 outstanding bugs that we have requesting additions to common-licenses, I wrote a script that counts license usage by doing regular expression matches on the copyright files unpacked in a Lintian lab. I've pushed this into the repository as tools/license-count (it's not installed by the package).
The results (only for the licenses I bothered to write regex checks for): Apache 2.0 1119 Artistic 2285 Artistic 2.0 30 BSD (common-licenses) 1556 CC-BY 3.0 52 CC-BY-SA 3.0 79 CDDL 190 CeCILL 12 CeCILL-B 7 CeCILL-C 20 GFDL (any) 875 GFDL (symlink) 389 GFDL 1.2 499 GFDL 1.3 67 GPL (any) 19893 GPL (symlink) 10116 GPL 1 1540 GPL 2 9073 GPL 3 2797 LGPL (any) 7183 LGPL (symlink) 2524 LGPL 2 4679 LGPL 2.1 3189 LGPL 3 691 LaTeX PPL 1.3c 297 MPL 1.1 654 SIL OFL 1.0 12 SIL OFL 1.1 55 Total number of packages: 29470 Packages that list multiple licenses increment the count for each of their recognized licenses, so for instance some of the GPL (symlink) packages are also counted as GPL 2 or GPL 3 packages. The (any) counts are the number of packages that use any of the version varients of that license. For licenses already in common-licenses, the code only looks for them by looking for the reference to the common-licenses path. Lintian catches and warns about using the license without that reference, so I think the undercount there should be very small. The low bar for licenses included in common-licenses by license count is the GFDL, at 875 packages using it in some version. None of the licenses for which we have open bugs reach that package count. The closest is the MPL version 1.1, at 654 packages. -- Russ Allbery ( <> -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: