Russ Allbery <> writes:

> DocBook Conversion
> ==================
> One of the things that Manoj had been working on was converting
> Debian Policy from DebianDoc-SGML to DocBook and formalizing a new
> structure that would make it easier to extract bits of information
> from Policy requirements. This is still a long-term goal.
> DebianDoc-SGML is no longer widely used, and moving to a more
> standard format will aid Policy maintenance in the long run. Policy
> would also benefit greatly from an easier way to extract
> requirements and recommendations in summary form, a more
> standardized way of refering to specific requirements in other
> documents, and a better description of exactly what one should check
> for to determine whether something complies with Policy.

It's probably ludicrously too late in the process to suggest this,

Has reStructuredText <URL:> been
considered as a source form for the policy document? It is much easier
for many people to get involved with, since it is much more like a
“plain text” markup than XML, and tool support is good. Yet it also
seems to have all the properties you state as desirable.

 \         “We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!” |
  `\    —Vroomfondel, _The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy_, Douglas |
_o__)                                                            Adams |
Ben Finney

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