On 13-Jan-2006, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> what I am getting at is that there should be a simple way for the user
> to discover what he or she just installed.  "dpkg -L <package name>",
> which is a good start, gives you information about installed files,
> but the command itself is not easily discoverable (i didn't know about
> it, and i've been a Debian user for 1.5 years).

I agree with this point. Now that 'aptitude' (or other apt interfaces)
are the main recommended package interfaces, there would be many users
who install packages but never even use 'dpkg'.

> there also isn't an easy way to discover package documentation.

This one isn't really defensible. We have a standard, much-discussed
location for package documentation: the /usr/share/doc/<packagename>/
directory. The job of telling people to look there is already being
done, and has been for many years.

Once you have been told "look in /usr/share/doc/foo/" several times,
you can pretty easily see the pattern. Discovering package
documentation is then a matter of looking in the expected place when
installing a new package.

> and often there isn't good information there anyway.

This is the point to be addressed, I believe. If you find that you
don't know how to use a package after looking in its documentation
directory, file a (wishlist?) bug against the package, suggesting
information that should be added or changed.

> plus, i'm lazy, and that's a lot of path typing.

Use a file browser then, if you don't like typing pathnames.

> maybe what is needed is an option something like "$ dpkg -B foo"

It still has the problem that "how do I use this package?" or "what
executables were installed?" doesn't obviously have "use dpkg to find
out" as an answer, especially since dpkg is so rarely used directly.

> however, if users were trained (via release documentation) that this
> is how to discover new packages, i think it would be very useful.

I believe the documentation directory is the right place to add
package-specific information. I retract my earlier suggestion of a
static manifest file; that information is best generated directly from
the package database.

I like the idea (from another post) of browsing the files installed
from the package manager; apparently synaptic can do this but aptitude
can't? This would be a more discoverable method of getting at the
standard information from the database.

 \                       "Nature abhors a moron."  -- Henry L. Mencken |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |

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