thank you for all of the interesting comments.

what I am getting at is that there should be a simple way for the user
to discover what he or she just installed.  "dpkg -L <package name>",
which is a good start, gives you information about installed files,
but the command itself is not easily discoverable (i didn't know about
it, and i've been a Debian user for 1.5 years).

there also isn't an easy way to discover package documentation.  yes,
you can "$ cat /usr/share/doc/<package name>/README.Debian".  again,
this is not discoverable, and often there isn't good information there
anyway.  plus, i'm lazy, and that's a lot of path typing.

maybe what is needed is an option something like "$ dpkg -B foo" or "$
dbrief foo", which would produce a brief output something like:

foo Debian README:
<output of $(cat /usr/share/doc/foo/Debian.README)>

foo upstream README:
<output of $(zcat /usr/share/doc/foo/README.gz)>

foo help:
<maybe the output of $(foo --help)>

foo binaries:

well, again, "$ dpkg -B" and "$ dbrief" aren't exactly discoverable. 
i don't know if any shell commands are really that discoverable. 
however, if users were trained (via release documentation) that this
is how to discover new packages, i think it would be very useful.

the above would be useful in synaptic as well as a compliment to
"browse documentation."

more thoughts/ideas?


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