On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 01:11:38PM +0200, Martin Godisch wrote:
> This proposal aims to synchronize the Debian Policy, section 9.3, with
> the LSB 1.3.0, chapter 24 [1]. Attached is a patch and the resulting
> plain text for better reading.

Objection. Why should our init scripts comply with the LSB?

Specifically, I object to the exit code stuff. I don't mind
documenting a 'status' target, so long as it is optional, but I see no
reason why we should change from our own scheme to this LSB one.

Note that the LSB exit codes are directly in conflict with our own -
they require the init script _fail_ if the program is removed but not
purged, while we require it silently do nothing and return
success. This proposal would therefore introduce bugs in most existing
init scripts.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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