El  7-may-2003 a las 01:43:56, Pedro Salgueiro escribió:
> Hi.
> Can a deb package create a user?

At least, Postfix can.

----8<---- cut here ----8<---- 

sikanda-16:12:53:~/debian/packages/postfix/postfix-$ grep adduser 
changelog:  * Actually list the dependency on adduser. (Bug #34979)
control:Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, netbase, adduser, debconf (>= 1.0), dpkg 
(>= 1.8.3)
postinst:    adduser --system --home ${CHROOT} --no-create-home 
--disabled-password --ingroup postfix postfix

----8<---- cut here ----8<---- 

Teófilo Ruiz Suárez  ||    (teo)    ||  Sevilla, España 
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   
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