Colin Walters (2003-01-02 11:54:08 -0500) :

> On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 09:12, Colin Watson wrote:
>> Policy applies to all packages, whether they state that they comply
>> with it yet or not. I'd also go with "should" in the meantime until
>> a survey is done and we know how many changelogs need to be fixed,
>> but I think in the long run it ought to be mandatory.
> Ok, fair enough.  Here's a patch which makes it a "should".  Given
> my sample with lintian though, I don't think we'll have too many
> packages to fix.
> Any seconds?

I hereby second this proposal.

Roland Mas

Fate always wins...  At least, when people stick to the rules.
  -- in Interesting Times (Terry Pratchett)

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