Ok, here's my revision from suggestions.  Added a screenshot link,
what the hell, it's all optional anyhow, and it's kinda a cute idea.

     We recommend that you add the URL for the package's homepage to
     the package description in 'debian/control', and a link to a
     screenshot, if one is handy.  This information should be added at
     the end of description, using the following format:

            Homepage: http://some-project.some-place.org/
            Screenshot: http://some-project.some-place.org/

     Note the spaces prepending the line, which serves to break the
     lines correctly.  To see an example of how this displays, see

     If there is no home page for the software, this should naturally
     be left empty.

...Adam Di Carlo..<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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