On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 01:17:51AM -0600, Adam DiCarlo wrote:
> Ok, here's my revision from suggestions.  Added a screenshot link,
> what the hell, it's all optional anyhow, and it's kinda a cute idea.
>      We recommend that you add the URL for the package's homepage to
>      the package description in 'debian/control', and a link to a
>      screenshot, if one is handy.  This information should be added at
>      the end of description, using the following format:
>            .
>             Homepage: http://some-project.some-place.org/
>             Screenshot: http://some-project.some-place.org/
>      Note the spaces prepending the line, which serves to break the
>      lines correctly.  To see an example of how this displays, see
>      http://packages.debian.org/unstable/text/docbook-dsssl.html.
>      If there is no home page for the software, this should naturally
>      be left empty.

I think it should not be in the Description: field, but a new control field.
There's no need to stuff this in the Description: field if a new control
field can be added, and I don't see any reason why we shouldn't do that,
like it was done with Origin and Bugs recently.

The screenshot thing is often not handy, so I wouldn't waste much time about

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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