Ola Lundqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There are some things that might want to be added before it
> becomes truly official.
> See the policy at:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/
> * gcj and how to handle that (should it be mentioned at all?).

I don't have the specifics to that handy. URL?

> * should all virtual machines that provides a java2 virtual machine
>   also provide a 'java2' command (not 'java').

As the originator of this request, I'd be happy to have an "official"
version without this and punt this to the next version.

> * How to handle jar dependencies? Should there be some kind of
>   mechanism for that?

Since nobody is currently on top of that, I'd suggest leaving it out,


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