On Sun, Jul 28, 2002 at 12:27:38PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
> I wouldn't say so.  For example, a C compiler ought to provide
> /usr/bin/cc in some form or another,

You're talking about an alternative for /usr/bin/cc.  A thing that
compiles C source code into object files is a C compiler regardless of
where its binary lives or what it's called.

> a mail transport agent ought to provide a /usr/sbin/sendmail
> implementation

Only if policy says so.  In and of itself this isn't a requirement
mandated by the fact that "Provides: mail-transport-agent" is in a
package's control data.

> and a web server ought to serve things out of /var/www by default.

Purely an FHS issue.  A web server is a thing that speaks HTTP over a
network interface (which may be virtualized).  By the way, the virtual
package name for a web server is "httpd".

> Other virtual packages appear to be more about ensuring that only one
> package tries to use a given resource at one time.  

There's no fundamental reason you couldn't have multiple MTAs listening
on different ports, or different web servers on different ports.  I
don't think that is possible in the former case due to
/usr/sbin/sendmail, but that's something we decided to do and not an
inherent restriction imposed by the MTAs themselves.

I suggest folks simply read Policy 7.4 and understand virtual packages
for what they are: no less, and *no more*.

However, I give up.  Unless the maintainers of the various and sundry
DHCP client packages in Debian decide to cooperate there's no way that
#154142 can be solved in a way that makes both the submitter and the
maintainer happy.  Every time a new DHCP client is packaged for Debian a
bug will have to be filed against etherconf wailing that some person's
favorite DHCP client is unfairly discriminated against.  (And worse,
when a DCHP client package dies, etherconf will refer to a nonexistent
one.)  The package's Depends: line will get longer and longer for no
particularly good reason, except that some folks have these mystical
notions about what a virtual package is good for.

I expect you to be calling for the removal of a great many virtual
packages listed in
/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/virtual-package-names-list.txt.gz, because
they define an insufficiently strict interface.

"pdf-viewer" for instance.  What possible good is that?  It doesn't tell
you what it's called or what options to give it!  It doesn't even say if
you feed the "pdf-viewer" input on standard in or if it takes the input
as argument on its command line!  And Lord knows we have to be sure that
only one "pdf-viewer" is installed at a time; there are precious
resources that are monopolized by such tools.  We need to be enhancing
the user experience in Debian by doing away with these meaningless
virtual packages!

G. Branden Robinson                |    Somebody once asked me if I thought
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    sex was dirty.  I said, "It is if
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    you're doing it right."
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Woody Allen

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