On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 04:34:31PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>>"Brendan" == Brendan O'Dea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Brendan> Because such packages don't include the paths for packaged debian
> Brendan> modules, so you can't say "Depends: perl-5.005, libfoo-perl".
>       Sure. So I can't depend on the modules for older perl package;
> but surely I can do so for the older perl binary itself? I still have
> some perl4 scripts lying around, BTW, that do not need any libraries,
> but won't work on the perl5 binary. I suspect such breakage may
> recur with perl6. Indeed, as long as the dependence is on just the
> perl binary, any such dependencies should be legal. 

True, and that's the major issue--between major versions.  I have
removed the ``perl-version'' stuff entirely from the document (and
indeed the perl-5.005 packages), and added an appendix describing the
intended handling of Perl 6.

In a nutshell, perl (perl5) and perl6 packages will be structured such that
they may co-exist for as long as is required.

Updated version at http://people.debian.org/~bod/perl/perl-policy.sgml,
diff attached.

Brendan O'Dea                                        bod@compusol.com.au
Compusol Pty. Limited                  (NSW, Australia)  +61 2 9810 3633

Attachment: perl-policy.sgml.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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