On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 03:39:43PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:

> What I do at the moment is install the unstable package, plus its
> dependencies, by hand with dpkg.

What I do is grab the unstable source and build it locally.

> This has a couple of problems:

> * You have to figure out the dependencies yourself.

Ditto with my solution.

> * Because of the way library packages are organised at the moment, you
> may have to upgrade your entire development environment

My approach mostly solves this, though it's not 100%.

> This is a real killer, and I'm trying to get it addressed with my
> proposal in the thread `Shared libraries' (Bug#83669).

Frankly, I think the proposal is massive overkill, and penalizes the
majority of people (who either want a very stable system, or who are
happy running a slightly unstable but more up-to-date system) just to
benefit a tiny subset of picky oddballs.  I'm not sure that's worth

For those who find unstable too bleeding edge, there's always the
testing distro.  People who want to roll their own are welcome to roll
their own, but I don't think we should have to roll their own for
them, when the end result is massive wasted space on both mirrors and
on users' systems.

Chris Waters      |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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