On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Siggi Langauf wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Siggi,

> On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
> > [...]
> > 1. Are you likely to do small revisions that only affect the debian/
> >    subdir, and the source package is big ?
> >
> >    -> if yes, choose non-native, because you'll not need to reupload
> >       the .orig.tar.gz file, just the diff, dsc and changes file.
> Currently, it's very unlikely that I release a debian-only update of
> xine. There's a new upstream version every two weeks (at maximum,
> averagely every week). Even if I would make a "debian only" change a few
> hours after a normal release, there are typically a few other changes in
> CVS...

consider the situation when an older version of your package is in frozen
and you must fix a RC bug but the release manager won't allow you to
upload a version that contains other changes (and the version already in
unstable contains other changes). If your package is native you'll have to
make a second branch of your upstream package.

> Regards,
>       Siggi


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
                -- Mahatma Ghandi

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