On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:

> > Users of Debian packages should be encouraged to file bug reports with the
> > BTS directly unless they can be absolutely sure it is an upstream bug. How
> > many of those users have the time and expertise to read/grep thousands of
> > lines of source code and make such a decision?
>  No, all bugs should be reported to Debian (with the exception of a few very
> actively developed - alpha/beta quality packages like mozilla).
>  The maintainer often knows the package better than the user, and it can
> make a better bug report, often summarizing many user reports he has
> received.

Agreed. Even if I determine the bug is upstream and provide a suggested
patch, the Debian maintainer needs the information in order to take care
of the Debian users. The packages go through a transition like this:


So a delay in communicating bug reports to the Debian maintainer could
cause problems here.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +

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