> Brian Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ... we should be including the GPLed sources in our packages.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bushnell, BSG) replied:

> Except that the GPL section 3 explicitly says that providing a copy of
> the source on the same download site counts as "accompanying".
> Different verbs are used for the requirement to include the license
> text itself in section 1; the "put it on the same site" clause does
> not really apply.

Yes, but the same ridiculous arguments that are being used for the GPL can 
apply to the source too.

But what if someone (named Fred) downloads our package and makes an RPM 
out of it (using alien) and gives it to his friend (named Bob, who knows 
nothing about Debian) and is hit by a car and dies.  Oh my god!  Bob would 
then be left without knowledge or access to the source of the binaries, 
and therefore a grievous violation of the GPL would have occurred!  We 
MUST include the source too in our packages, to prevent tragic situations 
such as this.

See how ridiculous these arguments are beginning to sound?

- Brian

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