>>"Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Thomas> Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 >> As we do. We distribute the Debian systems, and with every
 >> copy of a Debian system, there si the GPL as an essential
 >> component. It is on the Official CD images. It is on every archive
 >> site. It is on every machine that has a copy of dpkg. It is certainly
 >> on every debian system. 

 Thomas> The dpkg binary package doesn't come with the GPL; there are many
 Thomas> machines that have copies of dpkg that do not have the GPL, because
 Thomas> there are many non-Debian machines that have dpkg on them.  

        If you are on a non Debian system, you have to download the
 source, and compile. If you delibrately do an end run around
 supported practice and use alien, we even offer you a copy of the GPL
 (anyoe who wants a copy please email me off the list, I'll send you a
 copy, or a thousand, as you wish)

 Thomas> And in fact, we distribute Debian systems, and we also distribute
 Thomas> individual packages.  It is the latter that is the issue.

        I think that the form of the packages we distribute, and the
 intended packing format, is such that each such package has to have
 the essential packages also installed. 

 Thomas> The thing to keep in mind here, again, is the user who
 Thomas> fetches Debian packages of GPL'd software, and installs them
 Thomas> with something like alien on a non-Debian system.

        They have ample opportunities to obtain the GPL, either
 directly, or from Debian. This is mentioned in the COPYRIGHT file in
 thte binary package. Had they followed supported distributions that
 we provide, they would already have recieved the GPL.

 "One day I woke up and discovered that I was in love with tripe." Tom
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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