> > By analogy with dpkg-architecture, I'd like to see the following idiom > in debian/rules, which has the extra advantage of avoiding the "include > this in both sh and make" thing and of only setting the make variables > that need to be set: > > BINDIR=$(shell dpkg-paths -qBINDIR) > > configure: > ./configure --bindir=$(BINDIR)
My thoughts exactly, but I think I prefer lowercase to match autoconf conventions. That may be an arguable point, but the flavor and spirit of the solution is exactly what I was thinking. Ben -- -----------=======-=-======-=========-----------=====------------=-=------ / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \ ` [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ' `---=========------=======-------------=-=-----=-===-======-------=--=---'