>>"Josip" == Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Josip> Using install-sh while /usr/bin/install exists just wastes
 Josip> time/resources of people who recompile (think 6 build
 Josip> daemons), I don't see why shouldn't Policy recommend a more
 Josip> rational method.

        Becausepolicy is not a method for laying down the law on good
 practices (espescially since it can be then used to beat developers
 over the head with), since policy would baloon to an unwieldy
 size. Policy should be a minimal document; not everything has to be
 in policy. 

        In this case I think the package developer should be allowed
 the discretion; they often know what is best for their package; and
 even otherwise a simle bug report would help resolve issues for
 particular packages.

        Now, were you to try and get this included in the developers
 reference as a good thing(TM), I would be supportive.

 I am deeply CONCERNED and I want something GOOD for BREAKFAST!
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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