Package: Debian-policy
Severity: wishlist

          I propose that the following file be included in policy, and
 be referenced in the Policy manual. Subsequently the packagign manual
 package can be taken over by the developers maintaining the Debian
 package management system.

        I am now looking for seconds for this proposal.

Attachment: new-packaging.sgml
Description: new-packaging.sgml

 "I ask for your support for our brave men fighting tonight halfway
 around the world, not for territory, not for glory, but that their
 younger brothers and their sons and your sons can have a chance to
 grow up in a world of peace and freedom, and justice." Richard
 M. Nixon, April 30, 1970
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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