>>"Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Wichert> I miss my proposal to use dpkg-shlibdeps for libraries as
 Wichert> well. It's quite essential for woody, since the CVS dpkg
 Wichert> doesn't use ldd anymore but objdump.

        I am kind of concerned about this, just like Julian was, with
 regards to upgrading all the packages to the new method. As I still
 am smarting from the /usr/doc fiasco, having a proper transition plan
 is perhaps as important as changing policy.

        (I can just see people waiting in the wings ready to jump down
 our throats for implementing policy without a plan explicitly laid
 out to handle the transition).

        Secondly, I am not sure this belongs in policy anyway (I see
 that since the packaging manual mentiond dpkg-shlibdeps and
 ldd, that had to changed, since it is going to be wrong
 soon). However, there is nothing in here that is policy: to do
 otherwise would not work, and the paclage would break. I think we
 need to remove the aspects of the packaging manual that are merely
 documentation for dpkg out of the policy; just standard API's that
 packages need to depend on (the version numbering is the most
 important part that comes to mind). I'll try and get working on
 slimming the packaging manual down, and separate the package building
 tutorial aspects out of the policy package.

        In any case, I did make the change to the packaging manual,
 though not without some trepidation.

 "The genius of you Americans is that you never make any clear-cut
 stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves that leave us scratching
 our heads wondering if we might possibly have missed something."
 Gamel Abdel Nasser
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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