On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 01:39:22PM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > If a package expects logrotate to be present, as shown by it providing
> > an /etc/logrotate.d/* file, then it can express this to the packaging
> > system by putting "logrotate" in its Depends: field...
> Obviously.  This wasn't the original question.  The original question
> was "hey, when something installs logrotate onto my system, suddenly
> all my packages will change their log rotation behaviour."  And I was
> trying to explain why that was unlikely.

OK, I was on the wrong track a bit there. Sorry.

Steve Haslam      http://www.arise.demon.co.uk/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
but I won't admit to needing you
I'll never say that's true, not to you                  [sister machine gun]

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