>  Raul> I just don't think that specifically enhancing the package structure
>  Raul> with extra kludge to specially support non-free packages is the right
>  Raul> way to go.
>         Look below to see why it is not a kludge.
>  Raul> I think that the right way to go is to put the references themselves
>  Raul> into non-free.  The data structure itself is less complicated, the
>  Raul> complexity is represented in the data.
>  Raul> And, by the way, you've still not explained why you think the approach
>  Raul> I'm advocating is grotesque and that the approach you're advocating
>  Raul> is elegant.

On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:03:19AM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         Because the suggests and dependencyis and other relationships
>  are based on how the packages work: they are, in some ways, a natural
>  consequence of the what the package is, and does.
>         Free and non-free are a consequence of the *licence*, which
>  has little to do with how the package works technically.

Sure, and now you seem to be advocating some new package headers
which are a consequence of the license.

>         Now, the relationships will be independent of the licence,
>  just depending on what the packages are (elegant, in my opinion), and
>  I tell my tools what packages I do not want installed (not imposing
>  my vierws on other people, nor using licencing issues to distort
>  relationships.

No problem there.

>         This is configuring how my package management system behaves
>  on my machine. Again, elegance. It shows me what I want to see, as it
>  should.

Still no problem.

But all this reasoning applies for the case of a free package with a
non-free micro-package which enhances the free package and which suggests
various non-free elements.  Except that it doesn't require any license
dependent package headers.

The "Enhances:" header is already going to be useful for things like
gimp plugins and perl libraries.


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