> realistically, every configuration file belongs to the system admin
> and MUST NOT be automatically overwritten without permission. 

ok...I'm working on the packages now..first is horde of course.  Would the
following work or am I still missing something?

   Still using debconf.
   asks the user if they want auto generation of config scripts via debconf
       all this does is ask the q's via debconf and pull the values only
       from the debconf database ignoring any templates.
   if the above question is false then it pulls all values from a 
       horde.php3.in template file which must be manually edited as it by
       default has defaults. :)
   All config files will be automatically generated no matter what..either
      from debconf values or from template files which will be marked as
      conffiles and managable by admins.

umm...guess that's it...this should clear up the problems I overlooked.


Ivan E. Moore II
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