On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Chris Lawrence wrote:

> In that vein, perhaps the best policy is to not require the package
> maintainer to file a bug report himself/herself.

This part was changed in my new version:

     If no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug and
     should be reported to the bug tracking system. Do not close the
     bug report until a proper manpage is available.

So we don't ask the maintainer to write a bug report himself (he is
allowed to as every other user).

But if a missing man page is considered as a bug (I think that we have 
a consensus about this), there should be a bug report according to

> Instead, it should be a lintian warning (if it isn't already).

This should be a logical consequence (at the moment lintian doesn't
warn if there is a symlink to undocumented.7 available).

> I suspect most package maintainers are more likely to respond to a
> bug report from a user of the package than they are to do it on
> their own initiative. Once they receive said bug report, if they
> can't/won't write a man page, they should add that to TODO.Debian...

Do you see a difference to my proposal here?



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