Package: debian-policy
Severity: wishlist

I propose the following change to chapter "6.1 Manual pages":

----------------------- schnipp --------------------------------
--- policy.sgml Tue Apr 27 18:14:00 1999
+++ policy.sgml Mon Jun 21 01:17:54 1999
@@ -2868,20 +2868,14 @@
-         If no manual page is available for a particular program,
-         utility or function and this is reported as a bug on
-         debian-bugs, a symbolic link from the requested manual page
-         to the <manref name="undocumented" section="7"> manual page
-         should be provided.  This symbolic link can be created from
-         <tt>debian/rules</tt> like this:
-         <example>
-           ln -s ../man7/undocumented.7.gz \
-           debian/tmp/usr/man/man[1-9]/the_requested_manpage.[1-9].gz
-         </example> 
-         This manpage claims that the lack of a manpage has been
-         reported as a bug, so you may only do this if it really has
-         (you can report it yourself, if you like).  Do not close the
-         bug report until a proper manpage is available.</p>
+         There must be a manual page at least for every program.  If
+         no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug and
+         should be reported to the bug tracking system.  Do not close
+         the bug report until a proper manpage is available.  To
+         avoid duplicate bug reports about missing manual pages, you
+         should inform the user that you know about the missing
+         manual page in
+         <tt>/usr/doc/<var>package</var>/TODO.Debian</tt>.</p>
          You may forward a complaint about a missing manpage to the
----------------------- schnipp --------------------------------

Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the problem of the
undocumented(7) symlinks in debian-policy:

> The symlink causes a stupid manpage to show up saying that there is no
> manpage. I would prefer if man would simply say there is no manpage.  
> The fact that there is already a bug filed is evident from the BTS. Why
> put a symlink to undocumented into the package?
> Sometimes I check for documentation by doing a dpkg -L. I see a manpage
> for a certain command and do a "man xxx". Result is a "undocumented"   
> manpage. Very irritating. It would have saved some effort if there simply
> were no manpage.

I hope, that my changes fix this problem and clarify the question
whether a missing man page is considered as a bug.



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