On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Julian Gilbey wrote:

> Interesting points.  However I would suggest that most of the files in
> /etc are about local configurations, and are, in general, not
> shareable.  In fact, the FHS defines /etc as being for non-shareable,
> static data.  But what should be done for shareable configuration
> data?  Debian uses /etc as the primary place for configuration files,
> be they shareable or not.  So maybe we should create an /etc/share
> directory as you suggest.  And maybe even an /etc/local directory
> corresponsing to /usr/local?
> Maybe I'll bring this up on the FHS list.

I just read the FHS draft yesterday, and came to the same conclusion. I
had to manage about 50 boxes there, and the only way to maintain
coherent configuration was with a 'rdist' subdirectory and a big bunch
of symlinks.

/etc/share could also be divided in /etc/share/<profile>, with the basic
profile being 'default'. So that you could manage some different
profiles (maybe 'server', 'x-terminal', 'computation').
/etc/share/default could be symlinked to a distinct named package. But
this may go too far in system administration, and not policy for the

Jean-Christophe Dubacq.
Sorry for bad english/etiquette, it's my first post here.

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