>>>>> On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 05:30:56 -0500, Chris Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

 Chris> On Jun 07, Christian Kurz wrote:
 >> (Responding to my proposal:)
 >> > ``However, if QA Group members make 3 consecutive bugfix
 >> > uploads, with no action on the part of the maintainer, the
 >> > package will be marked as orphaned 60 days after the first QA
 >> > Group bugfix upload, and the 'Maintainer' field of the package
 >> > will be set to "Debian QA Group <debian-qa@lists.debian.org>".''
 >> Thanks, this is a very good and IMHO better than the old one. So I
 >> would recommend using this one instead of the old one. This also
 >> makes sure that we don't have to many packages where the
 >> maintainer is MIA but also we don't thread the developers to much
 >> to work on their packages.

 Chris> Looking over that paragraph again, I guess it's implied that
 Chris> if bugfix upload #3 is more than 60 days after bugfix upload
 Chris> #1, and there has been no intervening action on the part of
 Chris> the maintainer, it can be orphaned in bugfix upload #3.  So
 Chris> the 60 days is a minimum time period.  I guess that makes it
 Chris> more like:

 Chris> ``However, if QA Group members make 3 consecutive bugfix
 Chris> uploads, and the maintainer does not respond with a maintainer
 Chris> release incorporating the fixes within 60 days of the first QA
 Chris> Group upload, the package will be marked as orphaned and the
 Chris> 'Maintainer' field of the package will be set to "Debian QA
 Chris> Group <debian-qa@lists.debian.org>".''

Remove the "incorporating the fixes" part.  The maintainer
theoretically should be more familiar with his/her packages and
shouldn't be required to include fixes from the QA group that are the
wrong thing.


@James LewisMoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.ioa.com/~dres           |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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