Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In the normal development period (when only unstable and stable
> distributions exist), delays are as follows:
>   * fix for a critical/grave bug:                     2 days
>   * fix for any kind of security or important bug:    7 days
>   * fix for a bug of normal severity:                 20 days
>   * cosmetic fix or a wish implementation:            40 days

My only concern here is that a maintainer should be able to veto a
cosmetic or wishlist item.  Especially wishlist items, which often
have issues.  I might want to leave a wishlist item around so I can
think about it, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to see
something implemented exactly as described in the report.

Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into     | this .signature file.

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