Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know you this is exactly the opposite of what you want, but there
> was another on of the suggestions that I think is quite important,
> and others would agree. The restart Window Manager option is
> currently the name of the current Window Manager in the Window
> Manager menu. Most Window Managers have a Logout, Exit Window
> Manager, or End Session at the bottom of the menu, could we stick
> the restart Window Manager option just above that?

> Or is that the kind of thing that should be left until we have menu in the
> policy document?

I've thought about that one myself, and I do like the idea, but there
may be issues -- I'm not quite sure why some window managers have a
separate section for things like exit and restart while others don't,
and there may be reasons, so I'd like to hold off on this discussion
until we actually have a menu policy document.

> >     The latest copy of this document can be found at
> >     ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/doc/package-developer/menu_policy.txt

> >     If you have a package which doesn't fit within the existing menu
> >     heirarchy, please bring it up on the debian-devel mailing list.
> >     If you have other proposals for changing the menu heirarchy, or
> >     making other changes to menu policy, please bring it up on
> >     debian-policy.

> Will there be any mention of there being a copy included in debian-policy and
> residing in /usr/doc/debian-policy?

There is no mention of the equivalent fact with the virtual package
list.  I tried to model my proposal as much as possible on the virtual
package list.  I think it's probably best to be consistent.  I'm not
sure why the virtual package list section doesn't mention
/usr/doc/debian-policy/virtual_package_list.text, but it may be
because the copy on the ftp site is the canonical one.

> >      Technical     - technical stuff

> Sorry, what goes in technical? most of Debian is quite technical.

The heirarchy I copied verbatim from Joeyh's previous proposal, with
the two minor modifications I mentioned.  So, Joeyh is the one to
ask.  I hadn't noticed this, and, frankly, I'm not sure what it is or
if we need it.  Joey?

> Another random thought, this one should defiantly be left until
> after menu has become policy, translations.

The code is all there, we just have to supply the appropriate files
and a selection mechanism.  But yes, this is unrelated to my proposal.
It may even be more of a technical issue than a policy issue.

> I agree, the main aim must to move menu policy first, then worry about
> modifications, like those I have suggest above.

So is this a second?  Would you rather wait till we clarify the
"Technical" section, and then second?  Or no interest in seconding?

Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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