On 14 May 1999, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Remco" == Remco Blaakmeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Remco> Or change lynx to search for the .html.gz if it can't find the
>  Remco> .html file.  There are web servers that can do this already,
>  Remco> so it shouldn't be too difficult.
>         Umm, lynx is not the only browser out there. There is w3-el,
>  Arena, Mosaic, Mozilla, Netscape ...

Any browser in main can obviously be changed.

>         Also, right now, I can make my /usr/doc visible to my
>  intranet, and people can browse docs off my server using browsers
>  over which Debian has no control.

If your web server supports it, the browsers don't need to be modified. I
believe apache can do it already, but I don't know for sure.

>         hanging the behaviour of browsers to be Debian specific also
>  makes my compatibility-hawk side bristle.

Ok. I just wanted to point out that it _can_ be done, not that I think it
should be done.

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