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Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 17:34:46 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PROPOSED] libtool `.la' files in `-dev' packages
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Package: debian-policy

Please forgive this repeat post.  This is just a post so that I can get
my proposal into the BTS.

The latest GNU libtools (>= 1.3a) can take advantage of installed
libtool archive files (`*.la').  According to Thomas Tanner (one of the
GNU libtool maintainers):

   Version >= 1.3a of libtool will search for those
   files, which contain a lot of useful information
   about a library (e.g. dependency libraries for
   static linking). Also, they're essential for programs
   using libltdl.

As such, installing the `.la' files in `-dev' packages seems like a
good idea, especially for static linking issues.  Many developers do not
include the `.la' files in the `-dev' packages.  My proposal is to make
packages that use libtool to create shared libraries install the
generated `.la' files in corresponding `-dev' packages.

Statements from Gary Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, one of the
libtool maintainers:

An ever increasing number of packages are using libtool to do their linking,
and I would estimate that about 20-40% of GNU packages already do so.  The
main advantage of libtool's .la files is that it allows libtool to store and
subsequently access metadata with respect to the libraries it builds.
Certainly libtool is fully capable of linking against shared libraries which
don't have .la files, but being a mere shell script it can add considerably
to the build time of a libtool using package if that shellscript has to derive
all this infomation from first principles for each library every time it is

With the advent of libtool-1.4 (and to a lesser extent libtool-1.3), the .la
files will also store information about inter-library dependencies which
cannot necessarily be derived after the .la file is deleted.  Thomas can
probably explain this a lot better than I can, so I won't muddy the waters
with a poor example of my own.

Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Center for Distributed Object Computing, Washington University, St. Louis
58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

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