Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>         Repeat after me, please. L I N K E R.  L i b r a r y. S h a r e d
>  l i b r a r y (I hope I am not going too fast here).

You're not going to fast, but you are being offensively condescending.

>  James> `Deprive users of choices'?  Come again?  We're talking about
>  James> putting something in contrib rather than main, not banning the
>  James> program, hunting down the author and gutting him with a spoon.
>         contrib is not part of Debian. You are depriving me of
>   free software by shoving it out of Debian, just cause *YOU* do not
>   see what good it is. 
>         Me thinks you exceed your auhtority.

And I think you're being rude and hurtful, and that it's uncalled for.

I have not shoved anything out of Debian.  I REJECTed TiK, because I
personally, do not feel it is suitable for main.  Please note the
personally there.  There are two other archive maintainers who are
able, if they are willing, to accept the package.  I happen to be the
person who, in between an 8-9 job, was processing Incoming at the
time.  I genuinely hope no one is going to suggest that I should be
forced to personally add packages to main when I feel it is morally
wrong to do so.
I explained the maintainer's options in the REJECTion notice (see
Incoming).  As it says in the REJECTion notice, if it's reuploaded for
main, I will simply ignore it.  I'd be interested to see you explain
how REJECTing a package is exceeding my authority.

>         This software requires no non free component on my box. Desist
>  from throwing it out of Debian.

I didn't throw it out.

In any event, I don't have the time or the inclination to suffer abuse
like this and it's fairly evident that this idea is, depressingly,
going nowhere fast.  I'll wimp out too.


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