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>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Bramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Michael> If I don't miss the point, it is all nice by debian.  The
    Michael> user can make overwrite the menu items and the menu
    Michael> methods in this home dir and can make a private
    Michael> update-menu run only for his menues.

Oh yes, he/she can... but it's not *nice*.  Or maybe I'm just dumb:
but how do you tell the system that for WindowMaker, the Exit items
are in submenu `Exit' in the root menu (root->Exit->Exit Session).
*Without* adding a user-specified menu item at that point (which, I
think, wouldn't even be possible for this).

And even if this is possible... how do you do this without reading
tons of docs and putting some (from a newbie's POV) cryptic strings of
characters into some file?

Even if all the customization I want is possible, it's not
*nice*... and much as I love the CLI, and loathe M$ for making people
believe that a gooey (;-) make any (even the most complicated) task
childs play, I still *do* like a good graphical tool for things that
have to do with GUI stuff.  (Would anyone want to do graphic design
with a CLI tool *only*?  "Move 34,34.  Paint 4.  Convolve."

    Michael> I don't see the problem.

Maybe you do know... ;-)

    Michael> Grisu

Na, bist du denn schon Feuerwehrmann?  ;-)  (Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Bye, J

PS: No, contrary to what some may think, I do *not* want to over-GUI
everything on Linux.  I *love* ascii config files (and `.emacs'...).
I do *not* want all the Windows DAUs on Linux...

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
    MARS: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
                    "Ever wonder why the SAME PEOPLE
      make up ALL the conspiracy theories?" -- Michael K. Johnson
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