On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Raul Miller wrote:

> > > Consider su -c /etc/init.d/blah
> > And if the PATH wasn't appended, how would su -c /etc/init.d/blah be any
> > different, except that it may not run?
> So?  It's not as if su -c is the only issue involved.  And, not running
> is only relevant before these other issues are addressed.

I fail to see what your point is. You told me to consider something in
light of what I am proposing. I replied that I did and that I could see no
change in behavior. And then you reply "So?"

What am I missing?

> > If that's desired behavior, because we want to force users to not be
> > able to issue commands like that (even if they so desire) then that's
> > one thing. OTOH, it's not only a matter of root's PATH being changed
> > like everyone is making it out to be. The above su command is a good
> > example of another case where the proper PATH might not be available
> > unless the script appends what it needs.
> Except that you always need to think about security implications when
> dealing with activity which system priviledges.

Fine -- and what are the security implications here? Or are you just
saying, "I'm not sure there are any, but keep it in mind and try to find
them." ??


Brock Rozen                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Director of Technical Services                              (410)358-9800
Project Genesis                                     http://www.torah.org/ 

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