OOps... took out the wrong addresses in the CC field...

When maintainer's change, who's going to change the subscription list?  The
physical maintainer's via a "(un)subscribe" message?  That would still leave
things in the hands of a physical maintainer... Automaticly from a package
upload would still be suseptable to outdated packages... A volunteer?

On 11-Dec-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be a valid address.  Would
>> that be sufficient for you?
>   **dazzle**
> With an email address like that, there must be a great idea behind it :-)
> whatever else could reasonable be expected to be considered "intuitive",
> "logical" and "sensible" by anyone trying to find the right guy to write
> to should also know how to deal with administrative requests re. the
> packages lists.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is a real gem
> though, I must admit and I love it :-)
> I would like to extend the current proposal more generally with regard to 
> the notion of a "package", but first I would like to write down some of
> my opinions of how the packages.debian.org lists should be implemented:
> 1 - for every package "foo", there should automatically be a mailinglist
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The maintainer of "foo" must always be on the
>   mailinglist, but others might subscribe or be subscribed (see below) as
>   well.
> 2 - the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list should be the primary contact address for all
>   things related to the "foo" package, e.g all bugreports should be
>   forwarded to this list.
> 3 - the "main" maintainer of "foo" and the packages.debian.org lists
>   maintainer should have administrative powers for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
> 4 - preferrably, packages.debian.org lists should be open to public
>   subscription, optionally with a system defaulting read-only access, 
>   with more rights grantable by the list administrator. 
> 5 - for every virtual package "bar", there should equally be a
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  The joint maintainers of all real packages 
> providing
>   a virtual package "bar" should agree on an administrator.  
> IMHO ideally, policy should state that more generally, a virtual package
> needs to have a maintainer, appointed or chosen from the group of
> maintainers of all real packages providing the virtual package.  Apart
> from the intrinsic benefits of symmetry and clarity, this would
> particularly obviate the need to make a special case for rule 5, by
> folding it back into rule 1. 
> Moreover, "special-interest packages"  (or focus groups) could be
> formalized and get a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. Without any package actually
> providing "baz," a lot of packages could be involved with or affected by
> "baz."  Think "xfree," "perl," python," "webserver," "emacs" or "base" 
> instead of "baz"  and it makes a lot of practical sense to do this. 
> Again, a central responsible person should be appointed (chosen.)  Again,
> the benefits of the more generalised and standardised speak for
> themselves:  more standardisation and symmetry, no need to spam -devel
> with very detailed and topical discussions, better addressing of
> responsibilities not by enforcement, but by creating clarity and an
> infrastructure for focused debate.
> Briefly returning back to the initial issue of packages.debian.org lists:
> By rule 1, we'll have an intuitive contact address for each package in the
> distribution.  
> By rule 2, it will also be a guaranteed address.  
> By rule 3 and 4, the individual maintainer is free to use "his" list for
> whatever style of development he likes (without having to buy into the
> particularities of whatever MTA.)
> Another great benefit of this scheme is that when a maintainer goes AWOL,
> the project secretary (or his delegate for maintainer maintenance) can
> easily reset the main maintainer [subscription] address and best of all,
> there will be no history problems, as [EMAIL PROTECTED] will always point to
> the current maintainer of package "foo."
> Cheers,
> Joost
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* http://benham.net/index.html                                     <><  *
* -------------------- * -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ---------------*
*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++>++++ P+++$ L++>++++*
*                      * E? W+++$ N+(-) o? K- w+++$(--) O M-- V- PS--   *
*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b++++ DI+++ D++   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+                            *
* -------------------- * ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ---------------*

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