Richard Braakman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That said, I'm in favour of dropping the Standards-Version field
> entirely.  It adds no information, because it's generally not kept
> up to date, and even when it says "2.5.0" it doesn't mean that
> anyone checked it for compliance with the most recent policy.  (I
> submit the Lintian web pages as evidence :-)

Just because some people don't do a thing right, it doesn't mean we
should abandon that thing.  I, for one, _do_ keep the
Standards-Version field in my packages up to date and do check the
packages for policy compliance with the version mentioned.

> If we wish to have a record of when packages are checked (and
> corrected) with regard to the latest policy, I think the changelog
> would be a good place for it.  "* Updated to policy" is easy
> to add.  So would "* Checked with policy; no changes were
> needed".

That's nowhere near as convenient for (esp. machine) parsing/checking
as a separate field which is in the .dsc file.


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