On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 12:09:55PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       PROPOSAL: Policy manual contradicts itself about including docs
>       ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                   Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                              $Revision: 1.2 $
> Copyright Notice
> ----------------
>      Copyright © 1998 by Manoj Srivastava. 
>      You are given permission to redistribute this document and/or modify
>      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
>      any later version.
>      On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
>      Public License can be found in `</usr/doc/copyright/GPL>'. 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Introduction
> ---------------
>      The following paragraphs are somewhat contradictory:
>         * If a package comes with large amounts of documentation which many
>           users of the package will not require you should create a
>           separate binary package to contain it, so that it does not take
>           up disk space on the machines of users who do not need or want it
>           installed.
>         * If your package comes with extensive documentation in a markup
>           format that can be converted to various other formats you should
>           if possible ship HTML versions in the binary package, in the
>           directory `/usr/doc/package' or its subdirectories.
>      Which begs the question about what to do if both conditions are true? 
> 1.1. Deadline for tabling the discussion
> ----------------------------------------
>      I decided to use a minimal period for discussion of one week, seeing
>      that the discussion has already been held on this issue for a length
>      of time. This means that the discussion on this proposal ends on
>      October 21st, 1998. 
> 1.2. People Seconding the Proposal
> ----------------------------------
>      1.   Adam P. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      2.   Santiago Vila Doncel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2. Proposed changes and Rationale
> ---------------------------------
> 2.1. Change
> -----------
>      The proposal is to change the wording in the second paragraph to say _
>      ship HTML versions in _a_ binary package_, instead of _ ship HTML
>      versions in _the_ binary package_. 
> - ship HTML versions in the binary package, in the directory 
> - /usr/doc/package or its subdirectories. 
> + ship HTML versions in a binary package, under the directory 
> + /usr/doc/<appropriate package> or its subdirectories. 
> 2.2. Rationale
> --------------
>      The important thing here is that HTML docs should be _available_,
>      which is not exactly the same as _included in the binary package_. 

I second this.

Should we add: If the documentation is generated from a meta language (like
               sgml) it must ship in the doc binary package too.

Or have we this in the policy?

Michael Bramer - a Debian Certified Linux Developer        http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --   Linux Sysadmin   --  Use Debian Linux
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