Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       [I do not think we are i dispute, but I have a reputation to
>       maintain ;-)] 

Oh, ok.

>  Raul> Eh?  I'm having trouble understanding "how we do things now, if the
>  Raul> binary distribution becomes multiCD".
>       I parsed your objection to having the copyrights on a certain
>  cd thus: Suppose the binary distribution no longer fots on one CD (I
>  think Slink would fit qualify). Now, base-files can be on one CD or
>  the other, depending on how things fit; and my understanding was that
>  this would violate your requirement that the copyright files be on
>  every CD.
>       Yes? 


I didn't have a requirement that the copyright files be on every CD,
I had a requirement that, for the case where they're not on the CD,
they be on every system for which the CD be intended.

Which isn't to say that's not a good idea.

>       I, in fact, even proposed that *all* cd images may have a
>  verbatim/main/copyrights.deb file so that we can say
>  a) Every Debian machine has the copyrights
>  b) every Debian CD has the copyrights
>  c) Every debian ftp Archive contains the copyrights as well.
>       This really should satisfy Marcus.

I certainly have no objection to this.


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