On Mon, Jun 22, 1998 at 10:32:43PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
> > 2. Herbert claims to have _lost_ mail as a result of this.  I think
> > this is a serious complaint.  How come the mail was lost rather than
> > bounced ?
> I never claimed that.  Please don't put words into my mouth.  The missing
> mails *probably* bounced, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.

From: Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

reopen 23000
severity important

This is crap.  I lost tons of mails due to this bug.

You did indeed claim that.  Don't accuse people of putting words in your
math that really came from there.  You may be fully justified in stirring
up a shitstorm over this bug; I'd be pretty pissed if I lost mails, too,
regardless of the cause.  But rewriting history isn't going to get us

G. Branden Robinson                 |  The only way to get rid of a temptation
Purdue University                   |  is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |  -- Oscar Wilde
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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